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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Our Lady of Lourdes - Fifth Book - Part 5

  SOME young women of Lourdes, of exemplary virtue, among whom we will only mention by name, Marie Courrège, a pious servant-maid respected by everyone, had the same vision as Bernadette, at the Grotto, separately, two or three times.  This was vaguely rumored abroad, but had no influence on the mass of the public.  Some little children also had visions, but of a perfectly distinct and rather alarming nature.  When the divine Supernatural manifests itself, the diabolical Supernatural strives to mingle itself with it.  This is a truth proved in almost every page of the history of the Fathers of the Desert and of the Mystics.  The abyss was troubled and the Evil Angel had recourse to his counterfeits for the purpose of troubling the souls of believers.
  These various facts, which did not attract much observation at the time, are not sufficiently precise (more especially as some of their details have been forgotten) to be consigned to the pages of History.  We merely point them out that we may not incur the blame of neglect.  The true visions were only important so far as they affected individuals, the remainder died away of themselves.