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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Our Lady of Lourdes - Fifth Book - Part 7

  A SINGULAR circumstance, which perhaps passed unnoticed at the time, derived importance from what followed, and struck the attention of many.  We cannot refrain from pointing it out.
  One of the highest privileges of sovereignty is the right of granting pardon, and when a king wishes to solemnize his accession to the throne, he issues an amnesty to those who have made themselves amenable to the law.
  The power of the Queen of Heaven was greater, and she exerted it in a higher degree.  She willed that there should not be any guilty of crime.  The Apparitions which had already taken place, and those which took place later on, were spread over two periods of three months;  at the commencement of each of which the assizes were held.  Now during these two judicial quarters, there was not a single crime committed or a single criminal condemned, throughout the Department.  The session of the March     assizes had only to examine a single case anterior to the date of the Apparitions, and this single case terminated in an acquittal.  The next session, which was to be in June, had only two cases to pronounce upon, both connected with the occurrences anterior to this same period.
  It appears to us that this wonderful coincidence, this mysterious mark of divine influence which hovered over the whole country, this entirely extraneous proof, this moral prodigy, this miracle extending over a whole diocese, is eminently calculated to afford food for reflection to the most frivolous minds.  How came it that during so long a time the arm of the criminal was stayed?  Is that imposture, hallucination or catalepsy?  How was it that the sword of justice was not required to strike a blow?  How came this peace, this truce of God?  precisely at that very moment.  Setting aside the reason we have assigned, we challenge unbelief to endeavor to discover the cause of this surprising fact, of this strange coincidence.  It will make the attempt in vain.
  The Queen of Heaven had passed by, the Queen of Heaven had left her blessing.