Monday, August 19, 2024

Chap 38 - The Spring - 2

Chapter 38 of "Our Lady of Lourdes" discusses the moment when the spring at the Grotto began to flow, aligning with divine intervention. This event coincided with the publication of skeptical articles in a local free-thinking journal, challenging the miraculous claims. The chapter highlights the lack of prior evidence or mention of the spring by skeptics, suggesting their previous oversight and the undeniable occurrence of the miracle as per divine command. This chapter emphasizes the clash between skepticism and witnessed miracles.

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PRECISELY at the hour, at the very moment the Spring was gushing softly but irresistibly from beneath the child’s hand, in testimony, as it were of the divine intervention, the Philosophers of Lourdes published a new article on the occurrences at the Grotto in the Free-thinking journal of the locality.
The Lavedan, a newspaper we have already quoted, had been issued, and was in process of distribution just at the moment of the return of the amazed multitudes from the Rocks of Massabielle.
Neither in this article nor in the preceding one, nor, indeed, in any of the descriptions of the place written at that time, was there the slightest hint of the existence of any Spring at the Grotto.  And thus incredulity had paralyzed beforehand the audacious assertion that the Spring had always flowed there, to which the Free-thinkers might, after a certain time, be tempted to have recourse.  It was the will of Providence, that, in addition to the testimony of the public, these men should have their own articles, their own printed publications, which their dates rendered authentic and beyond refutation, brought against them.  If these beautiful gushing waters, which delight the eye to-day, had been in existence before the 25th of February, before the scene we have just described was enacted, and the orders and indications given by the Virgin to Bernadette in her state of ecstacy, how came it that the editors of the papers, who were always supposed to keep their eyes open, and whose details were sometimes so minute—how came it that they never saw this copious spring nor ever once mentioned?  We defy the Free thinkers to produce a single document—which makes any mention of a Spring, or even of any water, before the period when the Virgin commanded and Nature obeyed.

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